What is it? @.@

Here is the place where I record some tactics about wargame, systems, and other security issues.


Hack This Site! - Javascript 3

Math time!
faith is going to test your math skills and your javascript operations

Level 3
Javascript Mission 3:

Faith is going hardcore with javascript operators... 

Check Password
  1. It's really just a math problem, not about javascript.
  2. Calculation:
    foo = 5 + 6 * 7 = 47
    bar = foo % 8 = 47 % 8 = 7
    moo = bar * 2 = 7 * 2 = 14
    rar = moo / 3 = 14 / 3 = 4
  3. The IF statement below give us a hint.
    if (x.length == moo)
  4. So, just input something where its length is equal to 14. 
  5. It's done.