What is it? @.@

Here is the place where I record some tactics about wargame, systems, and other security issues.

Command-Line -.- ?!

::[ Command Line Stuff ]::

[Learn Terminal Commands]
  1. [Comment] Playing with 'whatis'. 
  2. Add the following line (command) at the end of your '~/.bashrc' file:
    echo "The linux tips, did you know that:"; whatis $(ls /bin | shuf -n 1)
  3. [Comment] Playing with 'cowsay'. 
  4. Install cowsay first.
    sudo apt-get install cowsay
  5. Then add the following line (command) at the end of your '~/.bashrc' file:
    alias tip?='cowsay -f $(ls /usr/share/cowsay/cows | shuf -n 1 | cut -d. -f1) $(whatis $(ls /bin) 2>/dev/null | shuf -n 1)'
  1. Utilizing 'alias' and 'tr' commands to achieve ROT13.
    alias rot13="tr a-zA-Z n-za-mN-ZA-M"