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Hack This Site! - Programming 1

Unscramble the words

You have to find the original (unscrambled) words, which were randomly taken from a wordlist. 

Level 1:

This level is about unscrambling words.

Find the original (unscrambled) words, which were randomly taken from a wordlist.<--
Send a comma separated list of the original words, in the same order as in the list below.

You have 30 seconds time to send the solution.
List of scrambled words:
  • slrehac
  • ndyrgaee
  • occaltoh
  • coescr1
  • aatcglo
  • ceripn
  • pppeer
  • gelaes
  • cnemia
  • aehapc
Answer:      (Example:   word1,word2,word3, ... word9,word10)
submit       (remain time: 30 seconds)

  1. Each time when you visit the URL: hxxp://www.hackthissite.org/missions/prog/1/ , you get different random scrambled words displayed on the page.
  2. You can download the wordlist or we called dictionary file below. The file contains all unscrambling words.
    Download: hxxp://www.hackthissite.org/missions/prog/1/wordlist.zip
  3. The page will countdown for 30 seconds. And you should submit the answer in time.
  4. Since this is a programming level, you should write a program or a script to pass this challenge.
  5. I write a little Bash shell script below, but you can also use other program language to pass this challenge more easily.
  6. Now, you need to have 3 files:
    HTS-Programming-01.sh - the shell script above or your program
    scrambling.txt - copy the scrambling words on the page and store into a file
    wordlist.txt - unzip from the downloaded dictionary file
  7. Use the script to find out the comma separated list of the original words.
    root@sp:~/HTS# ./HTS-Programming-01.sh scrambling.txt
  8. Good Job, OOXXOOXX, You have successfully completed this mission.